When agitated with another, remind yourself of this and if you are inclined to believe them only ignorant, let it not trouble you greatly. Ignorance, after all, can be remedied with education and understanding. If on the contrary, you suppose them full of deceit, let this also not be a trouble to you for it is impossible to converse with a liar to any suffcient end and therefore a waste of time. Remember also in ourselves to attend this same test for who can achieve complete perfection in knowledge? We all begin in ignorance and must also remain in her care on at least some subjects, there being too many for the cause of a singular man. Relax in the grace of ignorance but do not tarry in her comforts. Always strive to rise above it and yet know full well it is not attainable. It is not a specific end but the struggle that makes it a worthy and wholesome charge.
~Brutus Sophos Monticello~